Sunday, March 25, 2012

Closet Inventory

Has it been a week already?!?!  I've been very naughty when it comes to posting anything as of lately.  School has been very very very busy to say the least as well as daily L-I-F-E but I shall make it up to you!  I know it may look like  my closet fell ill all over my bed, but it's just an example of what I go through each spring as the weather get's warmer. I like to pull out summer clothes from last year to see what's still in trend and what may qualify for Goodwill.  Is it weird that I find doing inventory on my closet therapeutic? LOL.

P.S: Not to sound like a broken record but as always I'm always excited and happy to see all of your comments!! Thanks again dolls!!



  1. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment.
    I think its theraputic too,clear closet,clear mind,and more room for new fabulous clothes!

    Im follwoing your fabulous blog,and I hope your having a wonderful spring day x

  2. great stuff you have,nice blog im folower

  3. Thank you so much for following girls!!Glad you like :)



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